Key Terms
FAMILY (Familia)
Lat: Famulus: a domestic servant
Familia: a collective noun that denoted all servants in a Roman household. When the word was borrowed into middle English as "familie" around the term of the 15th century, it was with this original meaning. (source: Dictionary of Word Origins by Linda and Roger Flavell)
In essence this means: the highest master to the lowest slave/servant in the household
which leads to Tradename (which required a license).
A name added to one's REAL name. (source: Canadian Gage Dictionary)
3) according to the law of works; as distinguished from free grace or resting on works for salvation. (source: Noah Webster’s 1828 reproduction “American Dictionary of the English Language”) <<< according to the old dispensation >>>
[comment: Legal deals with lies, fiction. It does not deal with truth. "Legal" means to collect. "Law" is not "legal". Law is what is laid down and established. Truth is laid down and established. The Truth would be in the FACT, not the fiction]
Latin meaning Name. In civil law, a name; the name style or designation of a person. Properly, the name showing to what Gens or tribe he belonged, as distinguished from his own individual name, (the praenomen,) from his surname or family name, and from any name added by way of a descriptive title, (agnomen.) The name or style of class or genus of persons or objects. A debt or a debtor. (source: Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)
AGNOMINATION. A surname; an additional name or title; agnomen. (source: Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)
The legal surname of a person as recorded in the birth registration records of the jurisdiction where that person was born. (source: The Dictionary of Canadian Law, 5th Editon, page 105)
[comment: discussed June 10 Live event | The surname is HEARSAY. Did your parents have any power of appointment to use that Last name or is it all assumption?]
Under common law consists of one Christian name and one surname, and the insertion, omission, or mistake in middle name or initial is immaterial. The “legal name” of an individual consists of a given or baptismal name, usually assumed at birth, and a surname deriving from the common name of the parents.
A statement of legal duty, without stating FACT from which the duty arises. (source: Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)
is the mask that progress must wear to pass the faithful but blear-eyed watchers of ours ancient legal treasures. But though legal fictions are useful in thus mitigating or absorbing the shock of innovation, they work havoc in the form of intellectual confusion. (source: Black’s Law Dictionary, 10th Edition)
1. An assumption by law that something which is false is true.
A statute may state that X is to be treated as Y. That a corporation is a person is sometimes said to be a legal fiction. 2. An “. . .assumption of a possible thing as a fact, which is not literally true, for the advancement of justice, and which the law will not allow to be disproved, so far as concerns, the purpose for which the assumption is made”. (source: The Dictionary of Canadian Law, 5th Edition)
[comment: an assumption is deceit]
An assumption or supposition of law that something which is or may be false is true, or that a state of facts exists which has never really taken place.
An assumption, for purposes of justice, of a fact that does not or may not exist.
Something known to be false is assumed to be true.
In Roman law, a fiction; an assumption or supposition of the law.
"Fictio" in the old Roman law was properly a term of pleading, and signified a false averment on the part of the plaintiff which the defendant was not allowed to traverse; as that the plaintiff was a Roman citizen, when in truth he was a foreigner. The object of the fiction was to give the court jurisdiction.
Founded on a fiction; having the character of a fiction; pretended; counterfeit.
Fictions are to be distinguished from presumptions of law. By the former, something known to be false or unreal is assumed as true ; by the latter, an inference is set up, which may be and probably is true, but which, at any rate, the law will not permit to be controverted. It may also be said that a presumption is a rule of law prescribed for the purpose of getting at a certain conclusion, though arbitrary, where the subject is intrinsically liable to doubt from the remoteness, discrepancy, or actual defect of proofs.
An intentional perversion of truth for the purpose of inducing another in reliance upon it to part with some valuable thing belonging to him or to surrender a legal right; a false representation of a matter of fact, whether by words or by conduct, by false or misleading allegations, or by concealment of that which should have been disclosed, which deceives and is intended to deceive another so that he shall act upon it to his legal injury.
Fraud, in the sense of a court of equity, properly includes all acts, omissions, and concealments which involve a breach of legal or equitable duty, trust, or confidence justly reposed, and are injurious to another, or by which an undue and unconscientious advantage is taken of another.
A generic term, embracing all multifarious means which human ingenuity can devise, and which are resorted to by one individual to get advantage over another by false suggestions or by suppression of truth, and includes all surprise, trick, cunning, dissembling, and any unfair way by which another is cheated. "Bad faith" and "fraud" are synonymous, and also synonyms of dishonesty, infidelity, faithlessess, perfidy, unfairness, etc. It consists of some deceitful practice or willful device, resorted to with intent to deprive another of his right, or some manner to do him an injury. As distinguished from negligence, it is always positive, intentional. It comprises all acts, omissions, and concealments involving a breach of a legal or equitable duty and resulting in damage to another and includes anything calculated to deceive, whether it be a single act or combination of circumstances, whether the suppression of truth or the suggestion of what is false, whether it be by direct falsehood or by innuendo, by speech or by silence, by word of mouth, or by look or gesture. Fraud, as applied to contracts, is the cause of an error bearing on a material part of the contract, created or continued by artifice, with design to obtain some unjust advantage to the one party, or to cause an inconvenience or loss to the other.
Fraud is either actual or constructive. Actual fraud consists in deceit, artifice, trick, design, some direct and active operation of the mind; it includes cases of the intentional and successful employment of any cunning, deception, or artifice used to circumvent or cheat another; it is something said, done, or omitted by a person with the design of perpetrating what he knows to be a cheat or deception. Constructive fraud consists in any act of commission or omission contrary to legal or equitable duty, trust, or confidence justly reposed, which is contrary to good conscience and operates to the injury of another.
Fraud is also classified as fraud in fact and fraud in law. The former is actual, positive, intentional fraud. Fraud disclosed by matters of fact, as distinguished from constructive fraud or fraud in law. McKibbin v. Martin, 64 Pa. 356, 3 Am.Rep. 588; Cook v. Burnham, 3 Kan.App. 27, 44 P. 447.
Fraud in law is fraud in contemplation of law; fraud implied or inferred by law; fraud made out by construction of law, as distinguished from fraud found by a jury from matter of fact; constructive fraud Fraud is also said to be legal or positive. The former is fraud made out by legal construction or inference, or the same thing as constructive fraud.
(source: Black's Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)
The act of conceding or taking for granted. Laying claim to or taking possession of. The act or agreement of assuming or taking upon one’s self. The undertaking or adoption of a debt or obligation primarily resting upon another, as where the purchaser of real estate “assumes” a mortgage resting upon it,...
(source: Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition)
One who holds legal title for another; a strawman. (source: Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)
(in other words, it is one who acts as a “surety” for another)
(Bouvier’s Law Dictionary 1939) (spoke by Daniel @3:25:32 recording 0708 Live Event)
To attribute ( “to assign” a falsehood) to God that which is contrary to His nature and does not belong to Him and to deny what does.
Are we denying what belongs to God or attributing a fiction falsehood contrary to Truth?
Is the legal seeking for you to speak Blasphemy?
It is purposely using words concerning God calculated and designed to impair and destroy the reverence, respect, and confidence due to Him as the intelligent creator, governor, and judge of the world. It embraces the idea of detraction, when used towards the Supreme Being, as "calumny" usually carries the same idea when applied to an individual. It is a willful and malicious attempt to lessen men's reverence of God by denying His existence, or His attributes as an intelligent creator, governor, and judge of men, and to prevent their having confidence in Him as such. (source: Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)
The family name; the name over *and above the Christian name. The part of a name which is not given in baptism; the name of a person which is derived from the common name of his parents; The last name; the name common to all members of a family. A patronymic.
(source: Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)
Higher; superior. As, court above, plain- tiff or defendant above. Above all incumbrances means in excess thereof ; Principal; as distinguished from what is auxiliary or instrumental.
(source: Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition)
Sounds like Blasphemy !
is of the old dispensation. (source: Samuel Johnson Dictionary 1755)
(the Mosaic code of sacrifice upon sacrifice by the Levites on the altar)
is someone (a natural individual) induced and bearing a legal persona title, that is granted by the STATE - they will never admit that this is what it means.
A person who attempts to gain advantage by flattering influential people or behaving in a servile manner. A tale-bearer or informer in general. A parasite; a mean flatterer; especially, a flatterer of princes and great men.
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